Worms And Parasites – A Review of ‘Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow II’ by DØDSFERD


Follow your kind

And become one with them


If I can get personal for a moment – I’ve been listening to black metal for about 27 years, and over that time I’ve thought long and hard about why exactly it is that black metal calls to me. Beyond all the sound, aesthetic, spirituality, whatever – what is it really that makes it resonate so much with me at my core? Over a quarter of a century I’ve been pondering this, and over the years I’ve come to the simplest, most base level conclusion: I fucking hate humanity.

I don’t mean that in any edgelord type of way, and of course there are many, many great people out there. For the most part however, we fucking suck. Generally speaking we’re a lying, conniving, greedy, selfish, self-absorbed, destructive bunch of assholes intent on making ourselves and all other life on the planet miserable; continuously dragged down by the unfortunate majority of us who are too stupid to see a way out and too cowardly and/or arrogant to take ownership of our failings and change even if we could (and pathetically crush those who ARE intelligent and brave enough to try to change things). This is why the hatred and negativity inherent in black metal really calls to me… and this is why Greek underground legends DØDSFERD sing directly to my soul.

For twenty (!!) fucking years now Wrath of Dødsferd has felt almost exactly the same and forged his own path, cutting a black, bleeding swathe through the bullshit of the world with authenticity and honour. He knows we are fucked, he sees all the wounds we blithely bestow upon ourselves and the world, and he wants no part of it. Back in 2007 he focused this hatred into his art (well, he always does, but in particularly pointed form this time) and created a seething masterpiece of loathing, entitled Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow… and now, fourteen years after that original expulsion of unrestrained negativity, he does it again with Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow II.

Sequel records are often iffy at best and a complete waste of time at worst, but II feels like a genuine and worthwhile follow up to the work of that initial masterpiece. The album format is the same (two longform compositions allowing maximum lethal hypnosis) and the songwriting proves that Wrath has never left that original incensed headspace, even after fourteen years. His vocals are just as emotive. The subject matter flows seamlessly on as an expansion of the first… but whereas that first record possessed more of a stereotypical DSBM sound, part two has been upgraded and bestowed with a relative clearness in comparison. It’s still rawer than most polished presentations but each of the instruments has their own space to breathe, and indeed one of the best things about the album is the interplay between all elements – ‘…The Red Lake Of Your Innocence’ is especially spellbinding as the layers of acoustic, electric and bass guitars (bass in particular the work of M. Sarvok of Sarvok) dance together over the nuanced work of drummer N.D (also of Leeches and Grab alongside Wrath, plus Sørgelig, Insanity Cult, Isolert and more). Apparently Wrath locked himself away in total solitude and did not sleep at all for four days whilst he worked on the album; it’s a testament to his talent and drive that he was able to put everything together so beautifully.

If ‘…The Red Lake Of Your Innocence’ showcases great compositional skill, second half of the record ‘Servants Of Ego And Filth: The Bastard Sons Of Nature‘ aims to hit all new lows of misery. A slower tempo, near doomy track with songwriting that sounds like it could almost comfortably slot into Katatonia‘s seminal Brave Murder Day with a few tweaks, it’s quieter, more contemplative and manages to somehow be even bleaker than its predecessor as Wrath speaks of “cherishing the hidden treasure of his last breath”. It has more horns (which did also show up in the first track, but are more pronounced here). It’s also a great companion piece to ‘…The Red Lake Of Your Innocence’ and equally as hard to fault.

So, both tracks rule. Are there any downsides to this album? Well, that (once again, relatively) more vivid production does create one slight potential pitfall for the listener – if you’re not a fan of hight-pitched shrieking DSBM style vocals you may find some of the first song in particular a little hard to swallow, as Wrath‘s howls seem to be pushed more upfront than ever throughout. But! As I’ve said in previous reviews of his work, they’re less like the painfully fake and overwrought wails typical of the genre and more infused with his own frustration, rage and despair, so unless you’re totally averse to that sort of thing they shouldn’t hamper enjoyment at all. Aside from that, I’d say for me the first track is slightly more impactful than the second; but that’s my personal taste and is a little like choosing between your two kids, really. Both songs are far above average. And anyway, as I have also mentioned in previous reviews – neither Wrath nor any member of Dødsferd will give a single fuck if you don’t like anything about the record. It isn’t made for anyone but them. It’s another expulsion of the darkness and emotion within man, a torrent of frustration, antipathy and outright disgust towards the human race… which, incase you hadn’t noticed, includes you.

All in all, Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow II is not only another killer album from project that seems to be getting better and better, but a surprisingly vital follow up to part one. After creating your opus negativa way back in the day, when the world hasn’t gotten any better and you still have a lot to say about the state of it all, why not do it again?

If you, like I, also strongly dislike people in general, this is the album for you (and Dødsferd will likely be the band for you). If you have a generally happy disposition towards the world and the way things are, one: you must be insane, oblivious or both, and two: steer clear of this album. It will fuck you up. This is an album borne of witnessing everything wrong with the our existence and fucking hating it. It’s a strange thing to say, but if everyone else was a little more like Wrath, I daresay the world would be a much better place.

RATING: 4.1 / 5

Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow II is available now. CD releases November 6th via Fucking Your Creation Records.


Purchase Suicide… II digitally via the Dødsferd Bandcamp HERE. CD forthcoming via Fucking Your Creation Records.



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