Marching Onwards – A Review of ‘Towards The Nightside’ by SECRETS


By Marcus Aurelius


When an album titled Towards the Nightside came up in my notifications, my mind instantly wandered to Emperor and generated hopes of Symphonic Black Metal greatness. One click later revealed the name Swartadauþuz and the hope continued to build…

There are few names as formidable in modern Black Metal as Swartadauþuz. The sheer volume of high quality releases with his name on them in such a relatively short space of time is mindblowing. Normally, acts with this level of output tend to lose my interest as it is rare they continue to offer something new, but Swartadauþuz is an exception to this with music ranging across the entire Black Metal spectrum (from ambient to abrasive) and released under different project names according to the style. I’m not an expert on all his projects by any means, so attempting a biography would be misguided, but would highlight Bekëth Nexëhmü, Greve and Trolldom as some personal favourites to check out if you are new to his works.

This leads us to his latest release under the project name, SECRETS. Written by the aforementioned, Towards the Nightside was recorded between 2021 and 2022 but is only seeing the light of day in January 2024. Such is the backlog of releases under Swartadauþuz‘s belt. The execution of the album was not a one man show however, with Likpredikaren (Vocals), Esoterica (Keyboards), Sortilege (Lead Guitar / Keyboards) and Juhos (Drums) also creditted.

‘Opening of the Gates’ is the aptly named introduction. The track provides a dramatic fade-in and building of intensity, punctuated by drum fills which signify this isn’t going to be a laid back affair. The atmosphere climbs as the symphonic flourishes become more prevelant, before closing on a single lingering note. The gates have been opened…

The first full length track, ‘Pagan Dreams’, follows; and after a 30 second intro, you hit the territory this album lives and thrives in. The combination of abrasive vocals and intensive, energetic drumming push the songs forward whilst punching through a thick wintery guitar and keyboard generated atmosphere, with everything polished off and punctuated by symphonic notes. It is a magic combination of elements, with production revealing everything individually and showcases the wide variety of Swartadauþuz‘s musical output at the same time. Up next is ‘Spawn of the Thousandth Moon’ and ‘Shining Spear of Starlight’ which both continue this formula of intense atmospheric and symphonic black metal.

A reprieve is delivered in the form of ‘The Chaos Masquerade’ interlude. The intensity of the prior three tracks is broken with a combination of sinister and otherworldy ambience and guitar notes. The percussion is still present, and continues to push even this interlude track along, hovering like a caged animal waiting to be released.

The title track is up next followed by ‘Bleeding Black Sacrament’, both of which follow the style laid out in the first half of the album. At this point the lack of variation in the song style becomes prevalent… making this an album which is likely to divide. If the style is to your liking, you can fill your boots. If not, further exploration is unlikely to change your opinion. The album closes with ‘Into the Streams of Black Inferno’ as an outro track, which winds the listener down.

My personal Black Metal preferences tend towards the “lighter” end of the spectrum (Melodic, Atmospheric, Symphonic, etc.) but always feel that the genre is at its best when it combines its rough edges with these softer elements. Evilfeast (a personal favourite) is a great example of this, and on first listen to Towards the Nightside I felt some similarities between these acts. Where they differ though is where I feel Secrets has its opportunity to improve.

I highly enjoyed this album, but some greater variation in the tracks allowing the music to rise and fall a little more would’ve taken it to the next level.

Towards the Nightside is available now via Amor Fati Productions.


Purchase Towards the Nightside now on CD and LP from the Amor Fati Bandcamp HERE, or digitally from the Mysticism Productions Bandcamp HERE.

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