
Greetings, black metal maniacs! This will be the first of two lists I will contribute for the writer’s year-end LISTCRUSH picks, as I was kicking around an idea recently, and I felt this just needed to be its own thing. 

In years past, when putting together my year end lists, I typically reach for the albums that I actually have physical copies of. That means I have neglected TONS of great releases, absolutely list-worthy releases at that. What does this mean? Well, I have decided to also compile a list of really great releases that fall into one of two categories: 

1) Digital exclusive. These will be the releases that you see on Bandcamp, or maybe only streaming on YouTube. The latter usually results from being a band, or a band representing a label, that doesn’t believe in services like Bandcamp. Old school, true underground types. Also, those are the bands that will lend to the next category:

2) Extremely limited physical releases. These will be the bands that will be on some boutique label that does limited runs of 50 to 100 cassettes, or vinyl, or even CDs (one of these picks released all of 25 demo CDs…). The type of labels that have active interest, and if you’re not on the ball on release day (if you even get a notification), you miss the boat. 

The following releases will not be in any kind of particular order – just really great finds as I surf the web for my constant black metal fix. Without further ado, let’s get this started! 


PYRGOSIA – Times Forgotten

This New Hampshire project just got started this year, but already have established themselves as one of the more exciting projects popping up from the fertile grounds that is the current USBM scene. While this duo seems to concentrate on Hellenic themes of Paganism for their subject matter, musically speaking this is VERY inspired (as it seems to me) by both the French and Quebec scenes. Fast-paced tracks featuring absolutely infectious guitar melodies of the wrist and finger wrecking variety, immediately reminding one equally of most anything from Sühnopfer, Aldaaron and the like, as well as Thèmes pour la rébellion by Forteresse. You know, *THAT* kind of riff work. They’re also not afraid to drop a little bit of heavy metal and thrash influences in the mix as well. The drums are quite competent (though sometimes a bit low in the mix), the vocals are extremely nasty, and the production by one Sanguine of the long running US horde Averse Sefira is equally as raw as it is punchy and powerful… ‘though the drums do tend to get buried at times. It’s a debut, so it’s fine. 


Уводь (Uvod) – Self Titled & Пламенем прошлого (Flame of the Past)

This new, anonymous Russian entity came out of nowhere in February with a self titled debut EP of nature inspired and atmospheric black metal that only bands from that general part of the world can create; crystal clear riffs that still give off the feeling of being stuck in an icy mist and blasted by glacial winds at the same time. Mid-range vocals that are absolutely another instrument, that don’t overpower the surrounding music. Drums that are perfectly placed, giving off the impression of being programmed at times… but knowing that most drummers from that region like playing along to a metronome for fun and practice every single day, this is highly likely real drums. But as an anonymous entity, its truly hard to say. They sound great regardless. And just when it seems this would go down as a truly great release on its own, Uvod drops a second EP back in November. Flames of the Past picks right up where the first EP left off, the only real difference is a bit more polish in the production. You could absolutely play these EPs back to back to get a full, almost hour long, album experience. 

Upon writing this article, I found out that the self-titled EP did in fact get a proper CD release through Russia’s long running More Hate Productions. However, it does not seem all that easy to just simply order a CD, as it appears there’s an email chain that needs to be established first… so I feel it still qualifies for this list. 


HORN OF TETRARCH – Marshalling Imperial Terror

Thanks to a notification from the Metal Vault YouTube channel, myself and other subscribers got treated to this two song debut demo of an anonymous force from somewhere in the US. Musically speaking this could be of the slower Hate Forest variety, or perhaps closer to the first couple Aeternus releases. Fierce black metal played at a more moderate pace with bellowing and guttural death metal vocal fury. Triumphant and layered riffs sprawl out like a vast mountain valley. Definitely one to keep an eye on. It appears the Bandcamp page has already been taken down, but given just how recently this dropped (a couple weeks ago as of writing), I think it was a move by the band itself.  


WIERDE – Thiusa Heim

This one has had some staying power this year. If you missed the glory days of Windir, Storm, Vinterskugge-era Isengard and the like, then this Dutch one man project has the solution for what ails you. I mean, what else is there really to say about this? The melodies are absolutely spot on, the folk elements are spot on, the clean vocals are spot on, the decidedly raw production is spot on, this truly is an album that captures that particular era of Norwegian black(end) metal. 


IERFEWEARDIAN OÞFEALLAN SNYTRUCRÆFT -:ᚠᚩᚱᛖᛋᛖᚳᚷᚪᚾ ᚠᚩᚱᛋᚹᚩᚱᚳᛖᚾᚾᛖᛋ ᛖᚳᛖ: (Foresecgan Forsworcennes Ece)

From the always mysterious, always rather intimidating Inverse Solar Reqvriem label, comes yet another slab of Anglo-Saxon Heathen inspired blackness. While previous efforts, including 2021’s Deáþscúum was vastly heavy on the ambient/dungeon synth/power electronics side of things, this 2023 demo EP has two extremely solid, borderline avantgarde black metal tracks that are sandwiched between very short synth tracks (the title of the album is comprised of the names of those three specific tracks). Elements of the more experimental side of Mayhem (and other bands I can’t immediately bring to mind) in both riffs and atmosphere. Maybe some Portal in the riffs? I really don’t know. The production gives off a feeling of hearing black metal being played at extreme volumes while you’re underwater. It’s rather disorienting, to be quite honest. Typically this kind of style doesn’t really speak to me, but this particular release certainly did. Apparently this is a sampler for what is to be coming in 2024. One can only hope! (Edit: Coincidentally, the new album just dropped TODAY!)


МРАКОБЕС (Obscurantist)- Заклинания Против Расколдованного Мира (Spells Against The Disenchanted World)

This one really surprised me. Looking at the kvlt af cover art, looking like a wood block print featuring a hooded robed figure and a wolf, I was expecting some exceedingly raw and noisy, reverb-drenched black metal… but to my shock I found this to be a rather mid-tempo, well produced affair. Far from pristine, mind you, but certainly much more polished than the art would initially lead one to believe. Musically speaking, I hear a fair bit of Darkthrone, but in their more punk or maybe black ‘n roll guise, and just 1990’s second wave in general. The atmosphere is dense, grim and dark. I liked this well enough to drop some serious cash on a long sleeve shirt featuring the sweet cover art. And considering this came out in late January of this year, it’s very highly likely this will have been buried in most people’s Bandcamp libraries and will be forgotten by the end of December. I’m just glad I was turned onto this one rather recently! 


STRATORUS – Prometheus Rising

Another US entry, this time hailing from Colorado, Statorus is one of a couple projects by the highly talented Bifrost (aka JPS); this one focusing on Pagan and Fantasy themes backed by an epic Viking-era Bathory inspired form of metal, mixed with Slavic black metal tendencies and given a healthy dash of good, old-fashioned heavy metal complexity. Lyrically, this is a singular story that had started with the previous full length, about an epic journey The Stratorus embarks on to retrieve the Sun-wheel from the underworld and to bring it back to the surface. There’s even lore of this fantasy world featured on a few of these tracks. The guitars are the star of the show here, with Bifrost showing great riff and songwriting sensibility and some dextrous fretboard action in the solos that hints at some repressed shred capabilities. The vocals go from a great snarl to clean vocal harmonies, all handled extremely well. This project, along with Void Alchemy are ones that fully deserve everyone’s attention and support. 


MORT FROIDE – Decieved By The Gods

This is one of two December releases on this list, this one having been released December 9th. That said, it had made QUITE the impression in rather short order. This is a Russian band, with a French name, but musically are closer to the late ’90s/early 2000’s Swedish death metal tinged black metal gold. Granted, that style is not fully realized until track two, ‘Price of Desire’ gets cooking. The guitars rip, shred and chug their way through rather condensed song times. The bass is fully audible, adding a nice CHUG to the low end. The vocals are what you’d expect of a Russian band, staying in that more mid-level gruff snarl. And there’s more than a healthy portion of Slavic atmosphere for good measure. The production is absolutely spot on for the style, sounding like a modern day No Fashion Records release. When I first heard this, I remember thinking to myself “man, I’d love to hear more from this project!”, and then imagine my surprise to find that this was full length album number FOUR, to go along with a couple singles, a couple splits, a demo compilation, and an EP. All of which has been released since the band’s inception in 2020, which makes sense. A literal ton of great projects emerged from those lockdown days, as the absolute onslaught of quality releases from the last couple years can attest to. Anyways, this is some seriously high quality stuff, especially if you’re a fan of those Swedish glory days. 


LUX LUNA – Sempervirens

This is the newest piece of Atmospheric Black Metal Art from the man behind other one-man projects such as Kaltesblut, Lycanthropic Deathlust, among others. Despite being nature themed and being located in California, don’t confuse R‘s “Sierran Black Metal ” to be like the Cascadian scene further north up the coast. If you needed to make comparisons to any kind of particular project, a good starting place would be Wędrujący Wiatr. Like Wędrujący Wiatr, Lux Luna prefers to give a feeling of being lost in a Redwood forest, the music coming off as murky and mist laden as the cover art would suggest, though far less complex than the Polish greats. But, complexity is not the name of the game here. Repetitive riffs help lull your ears into a hypnotic state, allowing subtle leads and melodic bridges to burrow their way into your psyche and offer some sunny breaks from the fog and misty atmosphere. R is not afraid to ramp up the tempo and intensity, as he does with gusto on the title piece. Simply put, if you’re a fan of the murky, mysterious sounds of bands like the aforementioned Wędrujący Wiatr, or perhaps a far less symphonic Hellveto, among others, then do not pass this one up. 


ALDHEORTE – Upon Dying Fields

And finally, to close this out, we have the second of the noteworthy December releases (this one dropped on the 2nd), and another entry from California, as it turns out. Aldheorte gets their name from the ‘Memory Sorrow and Thorn’ series of Fantasy novels, and I suspect that perhaps the lyrical content may be inspired by that as well? Regardless, Aldheorte presents a rather classic and extremely well executed take on melodic black metal, pulling inspiration from the Norse, Swedish and dare say French black metal scenes. It has the melodies of the Swedes, the atmosphere of the Norse, and the more frantic string work of the French. It’s a rather volatile combination of pure riff GLORY. The bass keeps pace, offering a nice base to the proceedings, and the programmed drums really have a nice human element to them, even in tones picked for the individual pieces. Vocally, Udun sounds like a mix of Henke Forss and whomever the lead screamer was on those classic Mithotyn albums (I forget, since they essentially had three vocalists…). Sounds familiar, but distinct at the same time. Production wise, this probably has the most sheen among the list participants, everything coming through crystal clear. Thanks to that, the overall atmosphere comes off rather uplifting, inspiring even. I want to go run in a forest and just get lost in these tracks. Part of me is rather shocked that this is a debut EP, and that the two members involved seemingly have not been in any other project… but the level of professionalism and ability on display leads me to believe they have to be seasoned musicians, or at the very least seasoned studio guys. If not, then holy crap, these folks have done their homework. Another band to keep an eye on, as they have the sound and style to do some big things in the future… 


Hopefully you all found this list useful, and hopefully you all discover something new that you’ll enjoy. At the very least, I hope this reminds you all to go back to your Bandcamp libraries, Wishlists, or saved YouTube videos and re-discover some gems that otherwise are lost in the deluge of releases.

I’ll be back at some point soon with what will be a rather large proper year end LISTCRUSH, naming my picks for best of 2023! 


Follow Black Metal Daily on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Bandcamp HERE for more cult sounds and tonal blasphemy.


The bottomless wellspring of Bandcamp is overflowing with great shit just waiting to be discovered. This series, grimly reborn from the earliest years of BMD, aims to shine light on the freshest emanations and foulest incantations from its darkest corners, a few artists at a time (and always at NYP/minimum price). Here’s the thirtieth installment for your vulgar delectation; now in new mini-review format with ratings bestowed upon each release. Hails.


Misanthropæ – MMXXIII EP

What better way to kick things off than with the aptly named MISANTHROPÆ, the New York dissoblack/death/grind unit which I totally fucked up on regarding mentioning it in my best of April post the other day. Nevermind – MMXXIII EP still hits just as hard a few days later, with a knack for chewing you up and spitting you out that many bands of similar ilk fail to master. Punishing stuff, fantastic drums, great Misanthropic Art cover (misanthropy all around!). Released April 28th, physical copies coming soon. FFO: Ad Nauseum, Mico, Ulcerate.

RATING: 7/10


Avowd – Vol.1

A one-two punch of dissonant obliteration to ring in the new and improved Bandcamp Misanthropy? Why not. Another that should have made mention in the best of its respective month if I wasn’t such a forgetful cunt, Chicago’s AVOWD play spectacularly constructed chaos with tempered steel hiding at the core of its blazing flame. Released 31st March, their debut EP is of course a bit short, but this is a genuinely dazzling first strike that’ll knock you on your ass if you missed it the first time – like me. Don’t be like me, I’m a cunt. Listen now. FFO: DsO, Thantifaxanth, Suffering Hour.

RATING: 7.5/10


Black Lycanthropy – For Satan’s Eternal Glory

Back with another killer demo is Detroit (why the fuck are all these bands American so far?) apex Satanist BLACK LYCANTHROPY, whose sole practitioner Infernal Werewolf (also of Genocidal Rites) once again tears us back through the rent veil of time to bask in the sheer power and dark ferocity of the ’90s; and all For Satan’s Eternal Glory. Two stirring, memorable tracks that do absolutely nothing new yet just about nail everything you’d want, I’m hoping he lays down a full-length soon because this brand of raw satanic hatred is damn close to what I’ve been fiending for since 1994. Plus I’d like to hear what he can do with a few tweaks and more space to let the timeless blood flow. Released April 8th. FFO: Sargeist, Satanic Warmaster.

RATING: 7.5/10


Wierde – Thiusa hem

Do you like early ’90s Norsk folk black? So do Netherlands duo WIERDE. And I mean… they like it a LOT. Based upon “local history, townfolk and workers as inspiration”, their lyrics might be an interpretation of Old Low Franconian but the compositions are pure Scandinavian heathenism. Whilst some of the “homages” come on a bit strong – second track ‘Thorp onsaro, I’ is so blatantly intended to be ‘Neslepaks’ Part Two they almost owe Fenriz royalties, whilst other moments may as well have been co-written by Valfar or Varg – it manages to mostly escape any “larping” feel and instead is a rather great folk-black album with many flashes of brilliance (if a touch disjointed). Released May 1st, tapes coming soon. FFO: Early Enslaved, Isengard, Windir, Burzum, Vintersorg, Kampfar… you get the idea.

RATING: 8/10


Pénombre – Lueur Noire

I’ve been a long time appreciator of the many works of prolific Québécois master Comte Bergaby, so a new PÉNOMBRE full length is very, very welcome. Lueur Noire snarls and howls with pure nocturnal might and fury, a relentless blizzard of frozen riffs and cruel, unforgiving black bitterness – by its stark and simplistic nature it begins to wear a little thin here and there, but is still a great listen and always manages to bring you back (the production is on point, too). Old school as fuck, hail the old ways and ancient magics. Released April 22nd. FFO: Darkthrone, Judas Iscariot, Skuggeheim (who just released a discography compilation via Terratur, by the way).

RATING: 6.5/10


Petrale – Salvation Precipitates

“Not everything that comes from the heavens brings salvation. Especially when the abyss is emtpy.” That above Bandcamp quote more-or-less sums up the relationship I have with Salvation Precipitates, the seventh full length record from Croatian infernalists PETRALE: the “abyssal” or menacing dissoblack elements are fine and meaty enough, if a little standard and not really too demanding of a return trip… but it’s when sole practitioner Petrale (who does an admiral job of reinventing himself with every album) lets his freak flag fly with those wild funk/swing/progressive rock elements raining down from the heavens that the album REALLY comes alive. The last three tracks and album opener are the winners here; with a little more of that, Salvation Precipitates might have been a 10/10 album. As it is, it’s still great. Released May 2nd, tapes available via Necroeucharist Productions. FFO: Fun bass playing in black metal, groovin’.

RATING: 7/10


In Seance – Deathverse

US/Italian duo IN SEANCE aren’t fucking about on their third full length, Deathverse; this beast comes belting out of the gate and rarely eases up for the duration, unless it’s to sprinkle some atonal leads around or take us on a brief atmospheric trip. They’ve got the right idea and their brutal approach isn’t lacking in enthusiasm, it’s simply the execution that falls a little short; with further refinement and honing of weapons they might become a force to be reckoned with. Released April 7th, chuck it on if you feel like a blast assault on the rawer side. I’ll be watching where they go from here. FFO: Merzuul, Marduk.

RATING: 5/10


Chemin de Croix – MMXXIII

More raw, old school Québécois goodness in this debut demo from the mysterious CHEMIN DE CROIX, but this time theological themed and following a far more French style of riffing, whilst also taking the production as lo-fi as it can go. The wafer-thin sound is delicious as it creates a dusted, crumbling atmosphere, only let down by the slightly gnarled timbre of the vocals – beautiful yet flawed, or beautifully flawed? That’s up to you, but overall it conjures faded images of faith and despair (much like the cover art), which is a very good thing. Released April 25th. FFO: Sacrilegious Crown, Givre, French riffs.

RATING: 6.5/10


Devil Dick – Sodomizer of the Goat’s Virgin Cunt

Aaaaaaand in keeping with the age-old Bandcamp Misanthropy tradition of finishing on a fucking weird note, we have DEVIL DICK. If the nonsensical title and ridiculous album art don’t clue you up as to what you’re in for, try reading the track titles – and then listen and be further disappointed, as this is borderline sonic garbage. The humour potential isn’t capitalised on at all, as each track is merely a short, sharp blast of minimum-effort raw industrial black noisegrind that vomit one after another in 20 second convulsions until it all becomes a blur less than two minutes in. There are a couple of passable moments throughout and the final track improves on all the rest due to having an extra two and a half minutes to assault the ears (fans of HNW may appreciate), but overall I’d rather be forced to slob Satan’s 3-foot knob for all eternity than listen to it again. Which is the whole point of it all, really. Released April 30th, grab it if you like one trick ponies and shitposting. FFO: dick jokes.

RATING: 1/10


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